Join me #28daywelcomebackyourcycleawarenesschallenge
This 28 day challenge was born from a place of welcoming back the whole month of a woman's cycle. Often, it's just the time of menstruation that we give any consideration to our cycle. Our complete cycle is the inner compass to our bodies needs, and a guide to living a more balanced, meaningful connected life.
Day 11 - Spring {Pre-ovulatory phase}
Moon 87.5%
Follicular Stage
Oestrogen is high
Dynamic phase
Today is an incredible day, I feel calm and peaceful. Enjoying the spring in my cycle and the spring in my environment. I woke to the birds, the dawn chorus of collective twitterings and tweetings.
Day 11 Rituals
- Full moon meditation practice - month ahead manifesting
- Sufi Breath
- Cold shower
- Pink Moon Tea
Inspired Action
Power Statement; Every thought we think is creating our future.
Body Statement; I am amazing.
Grateful; I am grateful for the beautiful souls I interviewed today and the connection made.
Flow; N/A
Emotions; Feeling VERY positive.
Overall Energy; My energy levels are at about 80 percent.
Other Symptoms; N/A
Discomfort; N/A
BOLT Score; 14.81
Temperature; 35.8
Slept; Really well
Dreamt; No

Breathwork to Energise ~ Sufi Breath
- I like to do this practise to music. I stand placing my hands on my stomach.
- Three short sharp exhales through the mouth.
- One sharp inhale through the mouth. Repeat.
- After a few breaths, I start bouncing around the room. Play music to deepen the practice.