The Ritual Tribe

Third Eye Tuning Fork Kit~221.23 Hz

221.23 Hz is said to help restore your spirituality, allowing you to reach a deeper level of connection to the universe and your own internal wisdom.


Why Tuning Fork Therapy?

Tuning Forks are always useful when there are certain imbalances within the body. Originally tuning forks were used to fine-tune musical instruments because they emit perfect sine wave sound patterns.
Because fork vibrations react with the vibrations of the human body, they have been adopted by healers who use them to increase the energy on parts of the body they are trying to heal.

How can I use Tuning Forks?

The weighted tuning forks are typically used on the body as well as by the ears. Hold the fork close to the body striking the top with the rubber mallet. Place the bottom stem on or near the area of concern. Don't forget to strike near the ear, to hear the vibration. 

Who uses Tuning Forks?

Anyone! However, tuning forks are common with healers.